Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Well! After many trial and tribulations... My exegesis and my artefacts have finally come together!

I ended up trying a few different things and changing them and then changing them back and then scrapping them and starting over and finally I have finished! I think.. I hope so anyway, I have tried a hundred different things and I am as happy as I think i'll ever be with them.

Artefact ONE-
I have modernised Emily Posts "The clothes of a gentleman" and re-written her guide.
I shortened it, sharpened it, made it a tad humerous, gave it a splash of colour, and printed it on a cute white slim fit men's T! So not only is it a guide, it's a wearable washable, useful, fashionable guide too!

Artefact TWO-
I have intervened on "Bus etiquette". The guide to the public trasport system.
I used this modern dow "how to" guide to illustrate the modern bus. I followed the rules that were laid out, such as "Sit by yourself wherever possible", "put earphones in or read a book to avoid awkward conversations with strangers" and "put a bag on teh seat neaxt to you to prevent wierdo's from sitting with you". I have illustrated all of these rules and more in my lead pencil drawing of the bus. As a regular bus catcher, I undertstood these rules all to well, i could relate very well to them and drew the bus from my perspective on entering. The crucial point where you the passenger must scope out an appropriate seat.

Artefact THREE-
I initervened on the Japanese greetings artefact and expanded on this, I wanted to add teh element of sound to this and use it as a teaching tool. I ended up creating a childrens e-book, which van be read and listened to through microstodt powerpoint. The book is very simple (which is why it is directed at children), and uses basic bright colours, and bold fonts.
Each page of teh book, shows a steryotypical country/city, and a cartoon person (drawn by me). "Hello, How are you?" is also written on this page in the specifuc language, and read as a voiceover on the powerpoint. This tool helps to teach children to read and listen and to understand sounds.

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