Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I am very happy with how my artefacts have turned out, I have followed many of the rules I have leanrt from the readings about design and layout and incorportaed these into my artefacts.

For example for the T-shirt, even though I aimed to make it fashionable and "cool" I still wanted to leave some white space around the text to draw the viewers/wearers attention to the important information.

I also only used minimal colour in my bus drawing to not make the piece too busy!

And for my e-book, I wanted to create something bright and bold, which I know goes against some of the design principles we have learned, but I figured its a kids book, and kids love colour, and you can't ALWAYS follow the rules! If we all followed the rules everything would look the same! And I'm pretty sure it was Parker who stated that if there were set rules and guidelines which HAD to be followed when designing objects, then designers would be replaced by computers and software programs! BUT, I was very consious of selecting my typeface and font wisely for the book! I made it bold, simple and very easy to read!

All up, Im pretty happy with my artefact and my exegesis is done and dusted and handed up!

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