Sunday, August 30, 2009

Interesting tid-bit


"THE Australian will this week and next unveil a significant overhaul of its weekday and Saturday editions, including launching a Monday-to-Friday broadsheet liftout called A Plus.

The new section will be led by features and include a dedicated games and puzzles page, TV listings and reviews, a reader-contributed column and a daily guide to arts and entertainment events in each state.

The Weekend Australian's weekly Review section will become a magazine-style stitched-and-trimmed insert and The Weekend Australian Magazine will get a new look.

The revamp will be backed by a year-long branding campaign under the slogan Think. Again, which starts on Wednesday in print, online, on TV and outdoors.

The campaign will feature well-known Australians Ray Martin, Tetsuya Wakuda, Peter Cosgrove, Collette Dinnigan, Tim Horan, Phillip Adams, Gerry Harvey and Grant Hackett.
The relaunch and advertising campaign represented a multi-million-dollar investment in the paper, editor Paul Whittaker said. "We are continuing to invest in journalism. We're putting more pages of high-quality content into the paper."

The weekday paper will also include an extra page of world coverage and a bigger business section, with two pages of content from The Wall Street Journal.

On Mondays, the Business and Media sections will be integrated in a 12-page liftout.

The Weekend Australian's international content will also be increased, with a stand-alone Worldwide section.

A new section, Focus, will publish commentary and analysis and Inquirer will hold long-form journalism."

SOURCED; Sally Jackson August 31, 2009

Issues in the Media

Today Annie showed us a website <,,7582,00.html>
for "The Australian" newspaper which deals with Media issues and debates. I have also found ABC's "Media Watch" on monday nights to be a good source of information for discussion topics on teh media.

Assignment TWO

Today we discussed the second assignment and how it is to be carried out.

The assignment will need to be completed in different sections.
The first element is to read and understand Emily Post's book of etiquette, then three creative interventions then need to be made.

The first must be completely original, and the second and third intervention must be based on the models provoded. A combination of text, imagery and audio is to be used to create the interventions.

After the interventions have been made, an exegesis break down is to be written of around 1 500 words. This should describe why I chose to intervene in such a manner and how I intervened.

Looking at the models briefly today, I have several ideas for how to edit and adapt them to make them relate to Emily Post.

More Presentations

Jess and Bianca presented their powerpoint and reading overviews to the class today.

Jess based herpresentation on Kress, G & van Leeuwen, TV, 2006, Reading images: The grammar of visual design, 2nd edn, Routledge, London. Her complimentary reading was
Martinec, R & van Leeuwen, TV 2009, The language of new media design, Routledge, Oxford.

Alternatively, Bianca's presentation was on and Bruns, A. (2008). Blogs, Wikipedia, Second life, and Beyond : from production to produsage. New York: Peter Lang.

I found both of these presentations very informative. Both were quite complex subjects but the girls did very well simplifying them and explaning them in an easy-to-understand format. Particularly Jess, who used plenty of examples throughought and also a great break down chart. Unfortunately, I found that I was deistratcted in parts during Bianca's presentation by her inability to pronunce some words and her cluttered slides.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Reviewing My Peers

I reviewed and submitted to Annie my peer presentations:

-Gemma Broomfield- Reep's Document Design and the rodrigo website on "the F pattern".

-Alex Hill- Bruns’ Blogs, Wikipedia, Second life, and Beyond: From Production to Produsage and :From Production to Produsage: Research into User-Led Content Creation

-Genefhel Auditer- Parker's Design Basics and Bear's Elements of Design.

My PowerPoint Presentation

My Presentation to the class today was based on two readings by R. C PArker and an online article by Jacci Howard Bear;

Parker, RC, 1990, ‘Beginning observations’, Looking good in print: a guide to basic design for desktop publishing, 2nd edn, Ventara Press, Chapel Hill NC, Chapter 1, pp.1-22.

Parker, RC, 2003, ‘Designing documents for web distribution’, Looking good in print, 5th edn, Paraglyph Press, Scottsdale AZ, Chapter 14, pp. 269-293

Bear, JH, Elements of design,

My presenation illustrated and compared both of the theorists ideas about graphic design. I covered most of the basic information and key ideas that these theorists suggested as well as rerferring back to 'real life' examples and places where these ideas could be used.

I explained that 'There are no universal rules to graphic design but successful design evolves from a mindset.' (Parker, 1990) and that if there were universal guidelines and rules set out that had to be abided by, that there would be no need for creativity and designers would have no place in this world. I explained that if there were set 'rules', creativity would simply be replaced by software and all comunication documents would be computed generated and would look the same.

I then explained that good designs stemmed from good planning and good planning means understanding the purpose and importance of the information you are communicating. Planning involves looking at;

-Who is the intended audience?
-What is the message you are communicating?
-In what format will your readers receive the message?
-What other messages have they encoutered?

I gave the example of a healthcare report intended for a Government organisation versus a poster for a childrens book launch. These would be TOTALLY different documents and would require completely different basic planning right from teh beginning.

I also explained the importance of experimentation and the idea of analyzing other designers work and collecting a scrapbook of design ideas. These ideas can be used as inspiration for future designs and also to highlight design faults and things you do not like or think work well as guides for what to avoid doing.

Apperance was also a major point of my presentation, I talked about basic design formats and ideas, including;


And how these elements can be used to a designers advantage to highlight specific important information.

I also referred to this quote:
“As a general rule, always design for the worst possible circumstances.”
-R. C. Parker 2003

and elaborated on the fact that a designer should plan for the worst case scenario when it come to online publishing. The designer can not assume anything! They must assume the worst about the viewer of the document and also the screen the person is viewing the content of your design on. They might be viewing it from a blackberry for all you know!

I explained that viewing from a computer screen is more difficult than from a hard copy piece of paper and picked up a pice of paper and showed them this. Hard copy information can generally be viewed as a whole vertical document, online however, only a small part of the document can be viewed at a time. I also mentioned a few other things to take into consideration when publishing to the web:

-Avoid multicolumn layouts.
-Wider line spacing.
-Paragraph Spacing instead of indents.
-White space.
-Typefaces and Sizes. Avoid ornate.
-Colour- Single colour V rainbow.
-Inform readers- Page numbers.

I think that I tought my presentation group some valuable information. They seemed to agree with most of what I was teaching them and for the most part could relate to the examples I gave them and explained. I simplified the theories of both Parker and Bear as much as possible to make my presentation understandable and easy to follow.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I am now a blogger

I have joined the "bloggosphere" as they call it.... This shall be an interesting and challenging experience. I have very limited experience with blogs. I have a read different news blogs on occasion and enjoy browsing fashion blogs such as however I am now taking my blogging to the next level. Here goes...

Readings for Presentation


behind design view.asp?id=3638

Blog Group
